Wednesday, October 5, 2011

2 days in a row!

Ok, I hope my family won't fall over in shock, but here's my 2nd post in 2 days! Actually, I'm trying out my blogger app on my phone to see if it would be easier to post pictures. Just getting a feel for what I'm able to do.

Here's a few pictures of a quick trip to the pumpkin patch last weekend. Unfortunately, the weather was not cooperating and we were in the middle of a monsoon. Hopefully we will be able to go this weekend to another pumpkin patch where they are having a Fall Festival.

Geren looks so little in these pictures. I love that. Sometimes I forget to see how young and innocent he is.

Have a great day!

Back in the swing of things again!

Well....nothing like a year and a half break from the good ol' blog, huh? 

I know my family (pretty much my only readers) are going to fall over from shock that I have actually written something.  Maybe they won't even notice that I've written anything.  We will see.

I love reading blogs.  I love to get ideas about various things from other people--especially moms of young children.  Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one having certain feelings or issues and I can get online and look at a few blogs and realize that I'm not alone.  Sometimes I have the tendency to be very shy and not allow my true self to be known.  The network of  bloggers is one of great support, but if you don't put yourself out there, how will you ever really get to know anyone?

Anyway, although I'm still such a novice with my blog, I really want to make a new commitment to trying to be on here regularly.  If for nothing else to remember this season of my life.  I can't believe my son is 4 years old.  I can't believe I'm having another birthday in a few weeks.  Time passes too quickly and there may be some changes going on in our little family that I would like to document.  So, here goes again.  Hopefully this time it sticks.  :)

Have a great Wednesday!