Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bless My Heart!

No pictures in this post, just something sweet that my precious boy said.  Last night he got a visit from "Leo the Leprechaun".  He got some St. Patrick's Day goodies since Daddy was going to be at work so early this morning.  Since he knows that Leo brought him some things, he has been going around the house asking where he got this and where he got that.  I keep answering him with, "Mommy and Daddy got you that" or "Santa brought you that".  He seems fine with those answers.  Then he asked, "Who got this whole house?  Where'd we get it?"  I told him that Mommy and Daddy had gotten this house for him and he promptly corrected me saying, "No Mommy, Jesus got it for us!"  Oh my, that just about melted my heart into a million pieces because he could not be more correct. 

1 comment:

Jona said...

So simple and innocent...a wise little man.