Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I read a couple of different blogs and about a month ago there was a theme about simple pleasures.  I hadn't really been blogging regularly at that point, but I have thought a lot about that subject recently.  Simple pleasures are of course unique to every individual, but the common theme they have is that they don't have to cost a lot--or cost anything!  Sometimes the best things in life are free.  :)  Of course these days my favorite simple pleasure is spending time with these two:
This was our most recent trip to Disney World.  It was the first week of October and 95 degrees!!!
So here's a list of my simple pleasure:
  • A hot cup of coffee in the morning--especially when it's brought to me in bed by my hubby
  • A deep, belly laugh from Geren
  • A good, undisturbed afternoon nap
  • Getting snail mail that isn't junk or a bill
  • A trip to the store/market by myself
  • Finding something that I really have wanted for a while and then discovering it is on clearance
  • Fresh doughnuts
  • An electric blanket-especially when it's been preheated :)
  • Reminiscing about special days like my wedding day and the day Geren was born
  • Geren and Gary waiting for me at the back door when I get home
  • Our whole family piled in our bed watching cartoons
  • Caffeine free diet Pepsi
  • Chik-fil-a sandwich and a LARGE sweet tea
  • A deep breath of fresh air in the thick of the fall season
  • A WVU football game at Milan Puskar Stadium
  • Hearing my sweet boy yell, "Mommmmmyyy!!!"

Seriously, I could go on for hours.  It helps to think of things you have and being thankful for them instead of the things you don't have.  It's so easy to want more and more, but if you take time to think about the simple things in life, you may realize how blessed you really are. 
What are some of your simple pleasures?


Anonymous said...

My simple pleasures are spending time with my beautiful wife and our son.

Linda said...

Our simple pleasures are any moments spent with our grandson. He is such a delight. Another pleasure is enjoying the life you have and realizing the life you planned is not always in your best interest.