Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Blog Picture

So, I love to change things with this blog.  I don't have a lot of time to play with the options, but I'm trying to learn.  I really don't like technology, but since I'm married to a computer nerd (sorry, Honey), he forces me to keep up with things.  I guess I really don't mind because I don't want to be one of those people that doesn't have any idea about how to download, upload, etc.  I only learned how to use an iPod for my birthday last year and I felt really behind.  I was so upset when I got a BlackBerry and had to figure out the email and I mourned for my BlackBerry when Gary and I upgraded to an iPhone last summer--I know, it's just a phone, but I become attached.   But Gary knew that I needed to keep up with technology so he gently suggested some ideas to keep up.   So, I decided to play with the design and see how a picture would look and I love it.  This picture of Geren is one that Gary took (of course) and I think it just captures him so well.  Such a sweet boy.  *sigh* I can't believe that my little baby isn't so little anymore and is fast becoming a independent boy.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the NERD comment honey. LOL :-)

Linda said...

Are we the ones who cannot download pictures and other computer stuff?!?!?